Roast Chicken
10-16-2012, 07:49 PM
Spoilers for Final Fantasy: VI.


I can't understand why do some fans like him so much...

He is pathetic:

*Posioning a lot of people is detestable.
*He got rid of the espers that wanted to avenge their deceased friends.
*A traitor, he murdered his boss and the good General Leo (his fellow worker).
*Unwanted person: Returners, civilians, espers, Generals Leo and Celes, Emperor Gehstal (Floating Contintent events) and even the imperial troopers, all of them disliked him because of his actions.
*Lonely person: Cultists' Tower was built.
*Imposing beliefs on others: His speech before Dancing Mad (Warring Triad's return + Final battle).
*Becoming the god of magic didn't help him: No matter how powerful he became, everyone had something and someone special in their lifes, he was just a powerful empty body, without a purpose in life.

I don't care about what happens in Dissidia.

A case of borderline? His behaviour and look (lots of make up) after being infused with Magitek.
Maybe he wanted to die, but commiting suicide is for cowards.
At the end, he could finally rest in peace and get answers.

10-18-2012, 09:13 AM
Kefka was meant to be a villain you love to hate. He had no underlying motives or wasn't meant to be a tragic, Bryon-esque antihero - apart from a weak 'his Magitek infusion sent him insane' line in Vector - he really was just evil for evil's sake. Making him a refreshing change of pace from all those antagonists who believe they're the ones on the side of righteousness in a deluded way.

Of course, such nihilistic megalomania would very quickly ensure any comparable villain in real life would quickly succumb to their own destruction, but like I said, it's the very unreality of it which makes him such a fan favourite. This game is fantasy after all - it's not meant to present real-life situations. The very essence of fantasy is to make the 'impossible believable'.

And at least he doesn't need to carry a huge phallic weapon to overcompensate for a lack of something else nor need a prettyboy appearance unlike a certain overrated Mummy's Boy - the evil clown attire and his lofty, jabbering quotes are enough for him. :)

Plus, Dancing Mad is light-years ahead of One-Winged Angel in terms of musical originality, structure and creativity (it really pushed the technical limits of the SNES's sound processor). Don't get me wrong though - I love FFVII still, but FFVI will always be better for me.

Roast Chicken
10-18-2012, 08:24 PM
Hey, Enkidoh! It's me, JosesitoCaritaDe�ngel!

Well, I haven't listened to One-Winged Angel in it's totality (just a fragment thanks to the not-so-good cover by the not-so-talented Yoko Shimomura for the not-so-funinterseting Kingdom Hearts: II).

I don't want to be mean but I think a lot of people is missing the point about Final Fantasy, it does present real life situations, here are some examples:

FFVI: The Returners started a revolution after Gestahlian Empire's terrible acts (thanks to greedy people, things like that happen). The Returnes naver gave up (a extremly weak group compared to the empire) and they won, nothing is impossible.
FFVII: Barret said that Shin-Ra doesn't care about the planet if they keep getting money (or something like that). Gaia hypotesis explained by Nanaki's grandpa. Shin-Ra (technology), the destroyer of nature.

I haven't finished playing FFVII, so I don't wanna write a lot about it (I'm stuck in Vincent's sidequest, the boss killed me and I didn't save my progress since I left Cosmo Canyon).

What bothers me the most is that people doesn't notice the lessons in Skaguchi's games... Now, Tetsuya (inspired by William Shakespeare' Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet, those masterpieces won't help him) is trying to imitate Hironobu, at least only fangirls, LGBT organizations and maybe IGN will praise his gay garbage, I don't hate homosexuals, I hate Tetsuya Nomurat (Nomura + Rat)... or do you prefer Gaymura?

There's a lot of cases of people missing the point of things:

*Neon Genesis Evangelion: A lot of people hate it because they don't understand what is happening (me neither but I'm not going to act like an idiot), I just know that psychologists can understand it.
*Saint Seiya: Same as NGE, but in this case, almost everyone loves it.
*Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi and Bj�rk: I only know that they're unique, comparing them is just sutpid.
*Me: Writing a lot of examples that doesn't have anything to do with the thread XD

10-19-2012, 06:17 PM
*Posioning a lot of people is detestable.
*He got rid of the espers that wanted to avenge their deceased friends.
*A traitor, he murdered his boss and the good General Leo (his fellow worker).
*Unwanted person: Returners, civilians, espers, Generals Leo and Celes, Emperor Gehstal (Floating Contintent events) and even the imperial troopers, all of them disliked him because of his actions.
*Lonely person: Cultists' Tower was built.
*Imposing beliefs on others: His speech before Dancing Mad (Warring Triad's return + Final battle).
*Becoming the god of magic didn't help him: No matter how powerful he became, everyone had something and someone special in their lifes, he was just a powerful empty body, without a purpose in life.

yeah all of those bad things sure make a bad villain.

kefka was a nihilistic sociopath. the bad guys in earlier final fantasy games had plans, hopes and ambitions and they more or less believed they were working toward something good Kefkas vision was to become a demigod and a harbinger of total death.

I don't really know what you are on about here unless being the "worst villain" makes him a good villain? he was a memorable character in a game that a lot of people liked as a child, it's not rocket science to figure out why he's popular.

*Neon Genesis Evangelion: A lot of people hate it because they don't understand what is happening (me neither but I'm not going to act like an idiot), I just know that psychologists can understand it.


Roast Chicken
10-23-2012, 08:46 PM
You again? Anyway...

Kefka was just a coward: Using illusions twice.
He only became the god of magic because he was a "Forever Alone".
He was the characater who suffered the most: Lonely and he was jealous of the others that had a reason to be alive and he could never accept that the only meaningless person there it was him.
When General Leo died, they made a tomb. If Cid dies, Celes cries and tries to kill herself, because she had none in the world, she was meaningless (she didn't know the others were alive). But when Kefka was no more, none cared.

I can't find anything interesting/great/cool/nice in that.

Neon Genesis Evangelion and Saint Seiya are rocket science for people who doesn't know anything about philosphy.
I don't find anything "lol" about being an illiterate person.

Nostalgia gamer
10-26-2012, 03:30 PM
One of the things i think that makes kefka a better villain than the others, is that he was just a man, and he fought a lot of people, and used underhanded tactics to become a god, and he purposefully goes out of his way to cause pain and suffering, and we witness it in the game as he does it.I'm not trying to down talk other villains, but i found most way less memorable.

Roast Chicken
10-27-2012, 09:34 PM
You're right, even Golbez or Zeromus were not so memorable and there's a lot of people hating ExDeath/X-Death but I'd like to know why Hironobu said that his favorite villain is from the first FF but I'm not going to play it. After FFVII, I'll play FFIX or The Last Story.

Today, I played FFVII and Sephirtoth killed Aeris... He's a freak, I mean, Kefka was not "Dancing Mad" at all, he questioned himself about life and Sephiroth is obsessed with his mother and he's trying to rule the world before "hurting" it or something like that.

Maybe the word is not "best" or "gratest", I think it is "memorable".
I don't care about the new villains (Enkidoh and you already know why).

Nostalgia gamer
10-27-2012, 10:15 PM
You're right, even Golbez or Zeromus were not so memorable and there's a lot of people hating ExDeath/X-Death but I'd like to know why Hironobu said that his favorite villain is from the first FF but I'm not going to play it. After FFVII, I'll play FFIX or The Last Story.

Golbez, or golbeza wasn't the main villain.Great character though, and zeromus has nearly no development at all due to being at the last moment.X death i found him cool, but not as memorable ad kefka.Kuja had potential, but then we get necron.Sephiroth is overrated as a villain.I'm willing to give palomecia credit, cause the voice acting felt right in dissidia.I personally can't stand sephiroth and cloud fanboys, and i do feel its not a bad game, just not the holy grail.

Today, I played FFVII and Sephirtoth killed Aeris... He's a freak, I mean, Kefka was not "Dancing Mad" at all, he questioned himself about life and Sephiroth is obsessed with his mother and he's trying to rule the world before "hurting" it or something like that.

In ff5 x death killed galuf, what is your point?

Kefka not evil you say? i disagree.Kefka is more a monster than sephiroth, because he takes pleasure in peoples suffering.He has some background, but not much.Just enjoy the silly moments, because that and his dialogues and actions are what make him memorable.One person said here:Kefka is the villain people love to hate.Do i like serious villains? some. which? do rpgs only count? ganon, dracula, dahlia gillespie was memorable, as was claudia .
ganon isn't serious though.I do like luca blight as a villain, because unlike every final fantasty villain, he is just a man, not a god, and it litterally took a group of archers, plus 18 party members to kill him, and it was his determination and unbreakable will and fearlessness and hatred which made him so powerful.

Kefka, i admire his cunning underhanded detestable tactics, because he was so evil, that only kuja comes close.He is cowardly too.Kuja isn't cowardly though.
Maybe the word is not "best" or "gratest", I think it is "memorable".
I don't care about the new villains (Enkidoh and you already know why).

Roast Chicken
10-28-2012, 12:24 AM
I know, I know, Golbez is not the main villain and we don't know much about Zeromus.

I never said that Kefka was not evil, I just said that he was not crazy at all, I already gave an explanation.

Cloud and Sephiroth fanboys? I have only seen fangirls that do not even know how to play RPGs.

Ganon or Ganondorf is a serious villain to me, do a research if you like. Of course there's other great villains (not necessarily main antagonists) in extremly different games: Big Smoke (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas), Brawshella (Blazing Star), Culex (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars), Dimentio (Super Paper Mario), Garlen (Klonoa: 2: Dream Champ Tournament), Jeane (No More Heroes), Magolor (Kirby's Return to Dreamland), Majora (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask), Marx (Kirby: Super Star), Ram�n Salazar (Resident Evil: 4) and Sigma (Rockman X series).

Aeris' death? One of almost everyone's favorite characters was killed by a freak. Compared to Aeris, Galuf is not so memorable.

Nostalgia gamer
10-28-2012, 10:45 AM
I know, I know, Golbez is not the main villain and we don't know much about Zeromus.

I never said that Kefka was not evil, I just said that he was not crazy at all, I already gave an explanation.
He was crazy though, because the game says so that he snapped after being infused
Cloud and Sephiroth fanboys? I have only seen fangirls that do not even know how to play RPGs.
I have seen fanboys too, usually go out of their way to pu other games down and praise ff7.
Ganon or Ganondorf is a serious villain to me, do a research if you like. Of course there's other great villains (not necessarily main antagonists) in extremly different games: Big Smoke (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas), Brawshella (Blazing Star), Culex (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars), Dimentio (Super Paper Mario), Garlen (Klonoa: 2: Dream Champ Tournament), Jeane (No More Heroes), Magolor (Kirby's Return to Dreamland), Majora (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask), Marx (Kirby: Super Star), Ram�n Salazar (Resident Evil: 4) and Sigma (Rockman X series).

Aeris' death? One of almost everyone's favorite characters was killed by a freak. Compared to Aeris, Galuf is not so memorable.

Galuf was to me memorable, as is bartz.Krile sucked though.Personally, i think sephiroth was more of a victim than being pure evil.The reason for this, is people like kuja and gafgarion made a choice from the start wether its right or not, like kefka.Sephiroth only killed a few people, while kefka:Murdered a bunch of espers, general leo , whom people really liked.Emperor gestahl, and cyans entire family.Lets not forget he enslaved terra with the slave crown, and made her kill people as he watched, after her father is captured, and being drained of his life.There is also his memorable laugh, and dialogue.
If anything, kefka, is the best ff villain in my opinion.Bartholomew could have been a more more memorable villain, if only the heroes were at least liked.

Sephiroth to me, is just a bishounen, which in japanese means pretty boy, as is cloud.Both are anime ish, with their sword fighting, and i don't like characters who act like in anime series with melodrama, which is why i hate cloud.I prefer sephiroth as a hero over a loser wannabe.

Roast Chicken
10-28-2012, 05:12 PM
I prefer FFVI in it's totality because it gives me the feeling that this was supossed to be the Grand Finale for 2D era: The relationship between Celes and Locke, Terra becoming the mother of all those children, Kefka's complex personality... I'll write a thread later.

Sephiroth to me, is just a bishounen, which in japanese means pretty boy, as is cloud.Both are anime ish, with their sword fighting, and i don't like characters who act like in anime series with melodrama, which is why i hate cloud.I prefer sephiroth as a hero over a loser wannabe.

Ok, I think that Cloud was supossed to act like that because he is a puppet (I just started Disc 2 yesterday). Sephiroth is intimidating and sick. Both characters are animeish thanks to Tetsuya Gaymura.

I think that both characters are great, don't let those stupid yaoi fangirls ruin a memorable game (plot, gameplay and music), it's their fault that everyone thinks JRPGs are about trannies, long magic attacks and stupid sword fightinings. Kingdom Hearts doesn't count because it's an abomination.

Nostalgia gamer
10-28-2012, 11:28 PM
Honestly:I never liked ff7, and despised it when it grew to have a huge cult,I don't mind talking about it with fans, but i refuse to argue with fanboys who get in your face if you dislike any aspect of the game.I think you should talk about positive aspect, then negative.

Roast Chicken
10-29-2012, 12:57 AM
I just wanted to tell you that I'm a fan not a fanboy, I hate fanboys (worthless living shit) and fangirls (get a boyfriend, fucking slut).
I think none else is going to write in this thread, all I can say is thanks for reading and sharing your opinion Nostalgia gamer (Enkidoh didn't write a lot but thanks anyway).

Darth Revan
10-29-2012, 01:25 AM
I know I'm late to the party... but here's my two cents:

It's because Kefka isn't like the traditional FF villains, is what makes him what he is. He doesn't think he's noble or doing things for the greater good (like what Darth Revan does in the lead up to Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic). All the reasons which you stated in your OP FabulousKing, are what makes him what he is: Evil for the sake of being evil. He doesnt need a reason to do what he does.

In real life, we have people who were evil like Kefka as well. Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Martin Bryant and others. They did what they did for no real purpose (especially in Bryant's case), except to be evil. Kefka is a videogame representation of these sorts of 'people' (and I use that term loosely) and everything he did in the game:

Poisoning all the people, enslavement (via the Slave Crown we see Terra wearing in the opening intro), getting rid of the Espers, betrayal of those who trusted him etc etc.

Roast Chicken
10-29-2012, 01:45 AM
What attracts me about Kefka is his personality, I wish I knew things about Psychology, it would make things easier.

You wrote about real "people"... Kefka reminds me of Ricardo L�pez (Bj�rk's stalker). If you don't know about those events, do a little research, I'm sure you will be entertained and maybe scared. Or listen to "So Broken", Bj�rk's song inspired in her feelings after all that shit.

Darth Revan
10-29-2012, 03:17 AM
Kefka would be a psychologist's wet dream for a case study. It's clear he's insane, but there seems to be a method to his insanity.

While Ricardo L�pez, the "Bjork stalker", was clearly obsessed with the singer (and true, the letter bomb with Sulfuric acid was a little... 'off'), if you were to compare him with my example of Martin Bryant, I don't think you could do so adquately. Ricardo's target was just one person, and ultimately he paid the price for his obsession with his life, whereas Bryant's actions which cost initially the lives of 35 people (Youngest being just 3 years old and the eldest being 72) and wounding 23 more has had a far more drastic effect. Not just those lives lost, but also their families and the community of Port Arthur, a historic tourist site in Tasmania, Australia.

So of the two, Bryant IMHO, is clearly the more 'evil' of the two... as the only motivation for this massacre is known to his lawyer. Kefka's motivation (or lack thereof), is that he doesn't have any humanity whatsoever... or is just batshit crazy.

Nostalgia gamer
10-29-2012, 11:07 AM
kefka isn't even liked, in fact:everybody in ff6 hates or is scared of him,

Roast Chicken
10-29-2012, 05:33 PM
That's the message, I said that he was pathetic and gave my reasons.
I'm sure that the autor decided that Kefka was supposed to be a detestable character.
No trying to make everyone hate him, is just my pint of view, that's all.

Nostalgia gamer
10-29-2012, 10:06 PM
That's the message, I said that he was pathetic and gave my reasons.
I'm sure that the autor decided that Kefka was supposed to be a detestable character.
No trying to make everyone hate him, is just my pint of view, that's all.

Thats because he even treats his minion soldiers like disposable trash, and will kill anyone he pleases, even if gestahl breathes down his neck.He is out of control, and the only one who might, but not sure if he could control kefka, is gestahl.

10-31-2012, 04:21 AM
Noun 1. villain - a wicked or evil personvillain - a wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately
unwelcome person, persona non grata - a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome
blackguard, bounder, cad, hound, heel, dog - someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog"
gallows bird - a person who deserves to be hanged
knave, rapscallion, rascal, rogue, varlet, scalawag, scallywag - a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
villainess - a woman villain
2. villain - the principal bad character in a film or work of fictionvillain - the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
persona, theatrical role, role, character, part - an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"

I'd say he's a pretty good villain judging by the definition of one ;)

Nostalgia gamer
11-10-2012, 10:57 PM
i think this is the reason he is so effective.

Darth Revan
11-10-2012, 11:39 PM
Sometimes the most evil, are those with no motive at all and revel in the misery and destruction around them. That's what makes Kefka unique of the FF villains.

Nostalgia gamer
11-11-2012, 10:38 AM
you don't need a traumatic past to be evil, just the will to do harm, with interesting character development.I personally think that james sunderland is one interesting hero and villain, because when you think of it, there are multiple layers there.Kefka has concentration on what he does to others, showing just how evil he is.He is arguably the best ff villain in my opinion.

12-09-2012, 08:40 AM
I think he is a bit too cliche.
Think about the Joker in The Dark Knight, he is rather similar in the sense that they both seem to enjoy destruction, chaos and power. However, I think the reason the Joker in The Dark Knight is a better villain is because he wants not only to destroy on a physical level, but on a mental level and social level. Not only because he enjoys it, but he hints towards being an embodiment of the evil nature of the world. Kefka, doesn't seem to give off that creativity, he just seems utterly too simple. His dialogue is predictable, he isn't very awe inspiring.

However I think he takes the cake for villains of his sort, being a very elementary evil and enjoying it with manic laughter.

Nostalgia gamer
12-09-2012, 09:02 PM
I think he is a bit too cliche.
Think about the Joker in The Dark Knight, he is rather similar in the sense that they both seem to enjoy destruction, chaos and power. However, I think the reason the Joker in The Dark Knight is a better villain is because he wants not only to destroy on a physical level, but on a mental level and social level. Not only because he enjoys it, but he hints towards being an embodiment of the evil nature of the world. Kefka, doesn't seem to give off that creativity, he just seems utterly too simple. His dialogue is predictable, he isn't very awe inspiring.

However I think he takes the cake for villains of his sort, being a very elementary evil and enjoying it with manic laughter.

You are 100% wrong, because:

1:Simplicity and focus are better than convolution and complexity.
Kefka succeeds where others fail.
Destroy the world? kefka did it, and caused more deaths than kuja even.
Also:Stop repeating what others say, like joker rip off, or mama's boy.These serve no purpose but to flamebait people to troll them.

Second of all:I could do the same with sephiroth:Rip off of anime with katanas, and that wouldn't be constructive, because a lot of things borrows from others.FF6 owes a lot to ff4 and 5, and ff7 owes to ff4, ff5 and ff6, and some ideas are borrowed from literature, music, movies and plays, etc etc.

12-09-2012, 10:43 PM
You are 100% wrong, because:

1:Simplicity and focus are better than convolution and complexity.

What a nice Opinion, stated as a fact though. But still an opinion after all.

On my personal view, I don't think he's 100% wrong though. He's entitled to his opinion, which from my perspective is actually right, don't know if 100%, I can't seem to find a way to quantify the value of an opinion numerically by percentage.

Also:Stop repeating what others say, like joker rip off, or mama's boy.These serve no purpose but to flamebait people to troll them.

Why can't he repeat what is an universal truth?

Kefka IS a Joker's Rip-Off. And Sephiroth is a Character THAT DOES HAVE ISSUES because of the abscence of a Motherly Figure in the character's life.

Second of all:I could do the same with sephiroth:Rip off of anime with katanas, and that wouldn't be constructive, because a lot of things borrows from others.FF6 owes a lot to ff4 and 5, and ff7 owes to ff4, ff5 and ff6, and some ideas are borrowed from literature, music, movies and plays, etc etc.

I know that wouldn't be fair at all. Only just that the archetype of Sephiroth is kind of a reflect on the cultural nature of the Japs regarding their storytelling.

Isley Of The North
12-09-2012, 11:07 PM
People didn't start doing that "Kefka is a joker rip off" til that sh*t Dissidia came out.

Nostalgia gamer
12-09-2012, 11:08 PM
What a nice Opinion, stated as a fact though. But still an opinion after all.

On my personal view, I don't think he's 100% wrong though. He's entitled to his opinion, which from my perspective is actually right, don't know if 100%, I can't seem to find a way to quantify the value of an opinion numerically by percentage.

Why can't he repeat what is an universal truth?

Kefka IS a Joker's Rip-Off. And Sephiroth is a Character THAT DOES HAVE ISSUES because of the abscence of a Motherly Figure in the character's life.

1:Welcome to the conversation.I am trying to be reasonable with ff6 and ff7 fans, and trying to be objective.Mamas boy is more of a subjective view used to put 1 character above the other, and starts a flame war.

2:Everyone is like one character or another, but broad generations don't contribute anything.If i go and say:zidane is a pervert Cecil is better, all it does is say you like cecil better, but not why, and it certainly sounds like trolling.

3:Everyone borrows stuff, so you could argue all ff villains suck, because all of them have some trait or another.I know you prefer ff7, and that is your right

4:Kefka is a lot more sadistic than the joker, and killed a hell of a lot more people.He takes pleasure in tormenting terra.

I know that wouldn't be fair at all. Only just that the archetype of Sephiroth is kind of a reflect on the cultural nature of the Japs regarding their storytelling.

12-09-2012, 11:12 PM
Learn to Quote for f*ck sake. lol

And the Joker Rip-Off predates FFVI by 9 years approximately. The Dark Knight movie wasn't the first Ax-Crazy Joker.

Isley Of The North
12-09-2012, 11:13 PM
Learn to Quote for f*ck sake. lol

And the Joker Rip-Off predates FFVI by 9 years approximately. The Dark Knight movie wasn't the first Ax-Crazy Joker.

Kefka wasn't as known as he is now back in the day, nobody was calling him a rip-off back then.

12-09-2012, 11:25 PM
Kefka wasn't as known as he is now back in the day, nobody was calling him a rip-off back then.

So? That changes nothing. Of course that people wouldn't call him a rip-off, because they didn't even knew him.

FF fans and Batman fans back in the day weren't going to meet back then. FF wasn't very mainstream back in the day, as for Batman, the same not everybody read comic books.

Nostalgia gamer
12-09-2012, 11:45 PM
the problem i have with toppoz, is i couldn't trust a review from him, because i feet he never beat ff6, or started with ff7, and is biased.revan i trust more, cause he isn't an ff7 fanboy talking ff6 down to promote ff7 in an argument, but i'd gladly talk to you about ff tactics, cause we both like the original.

If you want to talk about kefka, i want to talk about his merits, and not biased generations that start a flame war.Yes kefka is flawed, as is every ff villain.Some say that dwelling deeper would take away from execution of the character, which i agree with.He was simple, but got through better than sephiroth, because it was coherent, and focused, and didn't pull shir like ff4 and 9, which took away from the games, because they were really good characters who were thrown away for unknown characters with little involvement with the plot, like necron.Kefka was the most active character in ff6, and totally different from others, because he was cowardly, and sneaky, unlike sephiroth, kuja, golbez and ultimecia, who stood their ground fearlessly, and fought their nemesis head on.Also:Kefka was a mere human who had to kill for his godhood, and we watch him grow from a spineless weakling, to a psychotic killer who destroyed the world.

12-10-2012, 10:16 PM
I Didn't call him a joker rip off.
It's only your opinion that simplicity is better than complexity, truly both can present good stories, if used in the right way.
I see him as a writer sees a villian, you see him as a gamer sees a villian. I think its lazy writing, you think its refreshing from what most games try and usaully fail at, by over doing their villians.

I do not hate Kefka, I think Kefka is a good villian in his own right.
I simply wish I could say I had more respect for him as a foe.

Nostalgia gamer
12-10-2012, 10:34 PM
I Didn't call him a joker rip off.
It's only your opinion that simplicity is better than complexity, truly both can present good stories, if used in the right way.
I see him as a writer sees a villian, you see him as a gamer sees a villian. I think its lazy writing, you think its refreshing from what most games try and usaully fail at, by over doing their villians.

I do not hate Kefka, I think Kefka is a good villian in his own right.
I simply wish I could say I had more respect for him as a foe.

is FF7 does a poor job at execution.Kefka is simple, but focused, Sephiroth has good ideas, but is a confusing incoherent mess, as is cloud strife, and ovet complication isn't better if it is confusing and vague like ff7.You have to define your character well.Silent hill 2 is we

12-14-2012, 03:53 AM
I never try to promote 7.

I'm just a guy that likes 7 more than 6, and likes 4 more than 6 as well. But it's not fanatical about it. But I also like 6 to. I don't hate it. I hate both games fanbase though.

And when people tries to talk about Kefka's Grandious by Comparison, I find it very stupid. As the series incorporates and reworks several elements throughout the games. Hence my reasons to be so vocal about it.

And it amuses me how blind people are about the many defects that Kefka have as a villain and specially how hollow he is as a character. Despite of his un-originality.

Also, people doesn't know how or fail understanding what's really good or iconic about kefka and what is truly wrong with him.

Lastly I disagree that the word "coherent" and kefka can go together in an essay that easily.

Those are my last words on this. Take it or leave it.

Peace, I'm out.

Nostalgia gamer
12-14-2012, 11:18 AM
Sephiroth is never truly explained if he was evil during crisis core, and whatever effect he had on me during midgar wore off when he said:Get out of my way, i'm going to see my mother.It just wasn't good writing for sephiroth.I understand that you are supposed to symphathise a little, but its too much, and undemines his villainry.Fanboys usually put kefka down, because they are angry that people prefer other games, and i've seen fanboys of ff7 put 8 and 9 down, and not even mention ramza from tactics who is a really good hero, and i'd easily put him next or above cecil.

Let me explain:Dissidia ruined kefka, as did squall.They turned kefka into an idiot, when in ff6, he was more sadistic.And kefka wants to see the world burn, and he gets more screentime than most villains.Heath ledger joker was 2008, 14 years after kefka, for that matter:Sephiroth rips off kefka.
Angel wings:Kefka did it first.
Experimentation that drove him insane:kefka did it first
Top of the line in the army:kefka
Killing main character:X death, or palomeciaPlus:There was an entirely different game not squares which i heard do it first.

My main issue is:Until i see a better villain, kefka is best ff villain.Most villains were either:cliche as hell(palomecia and ultimecia), thrown away, even though they are good villains.(Kuja and golbez) or good villains rendered innefective because you didn't care about the world and heroes(FFX and FFXIII) except yuna.I actually liked yuna and auron.

---------- Post added at 05:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 AM ----------

Another thing:While simplicity comes off shallow if too simple, Ove complicated character and story ends up convoluted.Kefka may not the best, but neither is sephiroth, and he isn't even the best villain in ff in my opinion.

---------- Post added at 05:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 AM ----------

Another thing:While simplicity comes off shallow if too simple, Ove complicated character and story ends up convoluted.Kefka may not the best, but neither is sephiroth, and he isn't even the best villain in ff in my opinion.

Roast Chicken
12-28-2012, 02:31 AM